eActros LongHaul and eActros 300 used as a semitrailer tractors in extreme conditions

Winter tests

Ice cold.

The suitability of the eActros LongHaul and eActros 300 for use as semitrailer tractors was tested at temperatures down to minus 25 degrees in Rovaniemi, Finland.

Rovaniemi has a lot to offer visitors. With luck, you may see the Northern Lights, for example. However, the extreme temperatures that occur here also make Rovaniemi a demanding environment. And that is exactly why the Mercedes‑Benz team travelled to Lapland: the local conditions are perfect for the tests they wanted to carry out. The schedule included a whole range of tests for eActros LongHaul (planned start of series production: 2024) and eActros 300 (planned start of series production: second half of 2023) electric trucks used as semitrailer tractors. The Actros L was also put through its paces.

The main focus of the tests was whether the extreme cold would affect handling, ergonomics and comfort and how the batteries and the electric powertrain would perform in the two eActros trucks. For instance, the checklist included evaluating the drives' startup behaviour and protection against low temperatures. Are the software and interfaces optimally configured? How well do the thermal management and energy management systems work? After all, the trucks have to work correctly and be energy efficient and the cab also has to be nice and warm. The tests showed, for example, that the cab of the eActros LongHaul warms up the faster than that of a diesel truck because of the smaller heating circuit with a high output. However, the heating system is powered by the vehicle's batteries so heating the truck reduces its range. In this case, it is advisable to precondition the cab – in other words, to preheat the electric truck while connected to a charging station to reduce consumption.

System tests on snow and ice.

The winter tests also involved lots of handling and braking assessments on surfaces with different grip characteristics. They also examined whether slush affected the assistance system sensors, for example. Tests were conducted to see how the  Trailer Stability Assist system can reduce the risk of semitrailer combinations skidding when cornering or carrying out evasive manoeuvres on wintry roads and how the MirrorCam handles the different contrast ratios created by snow and ice.

“Our battery electric trucks are fully operational even in harsh winter conditions.”

– Dr Christof Weber, Head of Global Testing at Mercedes-Benz Trucks

"We're very happy with our results. Our tests, examining the behaviour of batteries and electric drivetrains at extreme temperatures or the handling characteristics of the vehicles on icy roads, show that our battery electric trucks remain fully operational, even in harsh winter conditions", says Dr Christof Weber, Head of Global Testing at Mercedes‑Benz Trucks about the tests conducted in Lapland.

The team led by Christof Weber also examined diesel series-production vehicles, such as the Actros L. The development engineers tested all the vehicles' functions and systems even while en route to Finland. For instance, they evaluated the support provided by Active Sideguard Assist when changing lanes and active lane guidance with  Active Drive Assist in the Actros L.

As the team had to cross several national borders, they were also able to assess the effects of country-specific lane markings and traffic signs on the performance of the assistance systems installed in the trucks.

Photos & video: Daimler Truck AG