Mercedes-Benz Trucks Product World

Products & Services

Mercedes-Benz Trucks Products and Services.

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Our trucks.

eActros 600.

All-electric, sustainable and profitable: The eActros 600 is starting a completely new chapter in the transport industry. Together with many accompanying solutions and services, it will be launched to make your business fit for the future.

Get off to a good start in the future: The eActros 600 comes with many integrated features that make the journey into a new era as easy, safe and profitable as possible. In addition to financial packages and services tailored precisely to your needs, this includes eConsulting. It supports you with all questions relating to the changeover to eMobility – right from the start.

eActros 600.


Sustainable, future-focused, innovation‑driven, and quiet:  this is the first all-electric truck from Mercedes‑Benz.  But the eActros is more than just a truck.  It is part of an integrated solution, one which, besides the electric truck and its traditional services, also includes the new eConsulting and innovative, digital solutions. All of which will bring us a little closer to the target of zero local emissions.


The Actros L.

The Actros L redefines the premium class of Mercedes‑Benz Trucks. And in doing so, it impresses with a premium interior as well as new and innovative LED headlamps available as an option, plus numerous other features which enable relaxed driving, efficient working and comfortable living.

The Actros L.

The Actros L up to 250 tonnes.

The Actros.

A truck ahead of its time. The Actros meets the continually growing demands in long-distance haulage and heavy-duty distribution haulage more effectively than ever. With enhanced efficiency. With unique comfort. And with exemplary reliability.

The Actros.

The Arocs.

The robustness and loading capacity of the Arocs are reflected in the practically oriented cabs. Both in the durable, exceptionally resistant cab shell and in the athletic, powerful design.

The Arocs.

The Arocs up to 250 tonnes. 

The Atego.

At first glance and close up – the four cabs of the Atego show what counts in light-duty distribution haulage: three cockpit variants, well thought-out ergonomics, a high standard of driving comfort and convenience, and a wealth of practical details.

Atego in short-radius distribution.

With the Atego you are ideally prepared for operations in the building materials industry. Thanks to its high efficiency and reliability. And because its versatility offers a job-matched vehicle configuration for practically every requirement.

The Atego in construction haulage.

The Unimog. The Econic.

Tailor-made vehicles from Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks for all areas of operation and application – from municipal operations to fire service and rescue vehicles as well as agricultural and forestry applications.

The Unimog implement carrier.

The extreme off-road Unimog.

The Econic.

Services for your truck.

Drivers have never known such extensive support. Mercedes-Benz trucks set the standards on all types of road haulage route. The RoadEfficiency concept now brings a new set of tools to truckers in order to make their everyday life safer and less stressful.

The concept is based on three pillars: low overall costs, high safety levels and high vehicle usage.
