Part 9: Test the toughest!

Video series: Das Werk

Tough. Tougher. The Mercedes-Benz Trucks test track.

Our trucks prove their true worth on the special test track.

Anyone who drives a truck has to be able to rely fully on their equipment. In any weather. On any road. The world over. Drivers have hundreds of horsepower at their fingertips, as well as several tonnes of steel and valuable freight, all of which they regularly have to bring safely through some tricky situations. So that's why a special slogan was developed at the plant's test track: Train hard. Drive easy.

China, South America, Europe and Russia – here there is a replica of tracks from around the world in order to get the trucks familiar with the toughest of road surfaces.

Excited? Let's go!

What's the roughest road you've ever driven along? Let us know! Coming up in the next episode of “The Plant”: time to pick up the truck!

Would you like to see more info, insights and features? Check out the other episodes of “The Plant”.